Berkeley County Humane Society
Our Mission
The Society exists to promote the humane treatment and placement of homeless or unwanted dogs and cats in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia with special emphasis on Berkeley County.
Berkeley County Humane Society’s purpose is to:
? Maintain a shelter for stray and owner-relinquish animals
? Make every reasonable effort to find caring homes for animals entrusted to its care, consistent with Society resources.
? Provide for the humane euthanizing of animals when medically necessary or shelter population exceeds the available resources for housing and caring for animals hygienically.
? Accept as members, for an annual fee, all persons or organizations who or which support the Society’s work.
? Accept donations of money, supplies, and services from individuals and organizations who or which support the Society’s work.
? Cooperate with other organizations, including State and local governments, with interest in the humane care of animals.
? Undertake community services activities, including education programs and spay/neuter programs or assistance.
Adoption Policy
We usually are able to complete adoptions on the same day that a person decides that they would like to adopt a pet.. You must do a meet & greet with the pet and if you have other dogs you must do a meet and greet with your dos(s) and the prospective dog to be adopted. You must be 21 or older to adopt. If you rent where you live, we must speak to your landlord to get his/her permission for you to have an animal (especially a large breed of dog). Adoptions for dogs and puppies are $150, cats and kittens, $65, unless otherwise stated. All adoptions must be paid for in cash or credit/debit card only. NO CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED .