Ragged Claws Rescue
Our Mission
Preventing suffering in cats & kittens by using TNR (trap neuter return), socialization, and adoption - to curb the population of outdoor cats, and subvert the cycle of kittens being born outside.
Adoption Policy
Folks interested in adopting one of our kitties should reach out to raggedclawsrescue(at)gmail(dot)com for an application or go to bit(dot)ly/raggedclawsadoption to fill out an application online. Once the application is approved, a representative will reach out within 48 hours to set up a meet & greet with the cat and its foster. Approved applications are valid for 6 months. Approved applications are merited on first-come-first-serve and best fit for the kitty's personality. Only applicants who are approved will receive messages.
Approved applicants can move on to a Meet & Greet with the animal in question. Our org is foster-based so all our Meets take place in our foster's homes. There is a sleep-on-it policy after the Meet & Greet. No animals go home same day. It's easy to fall in love while there is a kitty purring in your lap, but we want folks to go home and weigh the pros & cons. It's an 18 year commitment after all! Contact the adoption coordinator the day after the meet & greet at raggedclawsrescue(at)gmail(dot)com if you would like to move forward to adopt, or if you'd like to pass on the animal. No hard feelings! We just want to know.
If we do not hear from you 48 hours after a meet & greet, we will assume you are no longer interested and your application will be deleted.
We also kindly ask that you not apply for a kitty until you are ready to make the commitment. We hold cats for a maximum of 2 weeks following a (mutually) positive meet & greet. Our foster space is precious, and for every cat in foster care there are two more waiting for its spot.
Official adoption paperwork and adoption fees are paid during the animal pickup. We have a mandatory checkin with the adopter one week after adoption, and 30 days after adoption. Adopters can reach out at any time to our fosters or adoption coordinators with questions.
Thank you for choosing rescue!
**Not a 501c3**