Southpaws Express
Our Mission
Founded in 2008. Southpaws Express, a 501c3 transport rescue registered in the state of Rhode Island, is the brainchild of highly rescue-experienced women, one coming from a southern shelter background and the other from New England breed rescue. We try our best to combine our experience to do right by dogs in high kill shelter regions while paying tribute to the New England protocols that put dog rescue so successfully on the map.
We are, and prefer to remain, small, pulling only a few dogs at a time and offering individualized attention to our prospective adopters. A commonality we share is that we are both "big picture" people, a core belief being that every dog we take in, and every adoption we complete, should move rescue forward. We believe in great ambassador dogs for rescue, happy adopters, and an adoption process that is both experienced and caring. We are not rigid or inflexible, and it is always our goal to bu
Adoption Policy
Dogs are available by application only