SPEAK Animal Hospital & Cat Sanctuary
Our Mission
SPEAK moved to Flint Road, Binghamton from Harry L. Drive, Johnson City in 1997 and has been expanding ever since.
S.P.E.A.K. Animal Hospital and Cat Sanctuary is a non-profit animal organization that cares for injured, sick and/or stray animals. We also provide low cost spays and neuters for dogs and cats. The hospital is open to the public, providing routine health care as well as the surgeries.
We emphasize animal welfare and client education. In a situation where a stray kitty comes to SPEAK the cat will reside at the sanctuary until a permanent home can be found. The unique SPEAK Cat Sanctuary is a cageless environment where animals are housed in a natural setting. Animal rooms and kennels are equipped with floor heating, air ventilation systems and access to safe, fenced outdoor areas. Our prime concern is for the mental and physical health of the animals who reside at the sanctuary.
Registration No.: RR202
Adoption Policy
It is $60.00 to adopt an adult cat, we classify that as 6 months and older. The fee includes their: testing for AIDS/Leukemia/Heartworm, spay/neuter, microchip, rabies shot, distemper shot, deworming, defleaing, and any other medical treatment that was required.
It is $80.00 to adopt a kitten everything mentioned above is included, although you may be responsible for the cost of further distemper shots, it depends on how old the kitten is when it leaves the shelter.
Any persons that are currently renting a home/apartment must provide written documentation that they are allowed to have pets. We will verify this information. Also, we do require that any canine/feline currently in the home must be up to date on their rabies vaccine and are spayed or neutered. Please provide copies of current veterinary records or have your veterinary information so that we may contact them to verify this. We do require that any cat or kitten being adopted