Family Pet Hospital
Our Mission
Family Pet Hospital is a family run locally owned full-service pet hospital located in Sunset Hills, MO. We provide quality consistent care with familiar and friendly staff.
Family Pet Hospital is a full service animal hospital serving the St. Louis metropolitan area. Individualized quality medicine and compassionate care by Dr. Hallie Feagans and the rest of the Family Pet Hospital staff.
We care for and treat all companion animals including Birds, Cats, Dogs, Rodents and other Exotics. Call (314) 720-1704 or email us at to make an appointment. We offer free Nail Trims for all active patients. Our modern and well-equipped hospital has all the tools necessary to take care of your pet's medical and surgical needs.
Adoption Policy
Please initial after each statement:
I am 18 years or older.
I agree to pay the agreed upon adoption fee of for my new pet at the time of adoption.
I agree to provide humane care to my new pet at all times, including nutritious food, fresh water, shelter, and exercise.
I will provide adequate veterinary care, including annual exams and vaccinations, as well as care in the event of illness or injury.
I will comply with all laws and ordinances that apply to pet ownership in the state, county, and municipality in which I reside.
I will not allow my pet to be used for any experimental purposes.
I agree that my new pet will not be used for any purpose other than to provide me with love and companionship.
I will not allow my new pet to be abused or mistreated in any way.
I am not adopting a new pet with the intention to sell, trade, or give away my new pet.
It may take a month for your new pet to become accustomed to its new home and family. In the event that your pet does not become accustomed to its new home, or if there is a problem with a family member or an existing pet, you may bring your new pet back to Family Pet Hospital. You will not be charged a surrender fee. However, as the adoption fee pays for veterinary care and other services, the adoption fee will not be refunded.
In the event that I cannot keep my pet for any reason, or am unable to continue to provide it adequate care, I will surrender it to Family Pet Hospital, LLC.
I have been informed of all conditions or illnesses for which my new pet has been treated while in the care of Family Pet Hospital.
I have been provided with a record of all veterinary exams, vaccinations, treatments, surgeries, and medications given my new pet while in the care of Family Pet Hospital.
I release, hold harmless, and indemnify Family Pet Hospital from any illness contracted after the date of adoption. My indemnity shall include, without limitation by reason of specification, veterinary fees, reasonable attorney fees and disbursements, and court costs arising from any suit or claim brought against Family Pet Hospital arising from my adoption of my new pet.
I release, hold harmless, and indemnify Family Pet Hospital from any harm or damage to persons or property, perpetrated by my new pet. My indemnity shall include, without limitation by reason of specification, reasonable attorney fees, disbursements, and court costs arising from any suit or claim brought against Family Pet Hospital arising from my adoption of my new pet.
I do hereby release Family Pet Hospital, LLC of any and all liability and financial responsibility associated with my new pet.