Best Buddy Pet Rescue
Our Mission
Best Buddy Pet Rescue was founded in 2008 and became a 501c3 non-profit in 2010. As of 2022, the rescue has saved over 4,000 cats and dogs. So many cats and dogs are not receiving the proper medications that they regularly need or have been neglected or abandoned. Many of these animals wind up at animal control shelters. Our goal is to save as many as we can and/or prevent them from having to go to the shelter in the first place. Most of our animals come from shelters but we also take in owner surrender and assist with feral kittens where trap-neuter-release programs are being completed and the babies are too young. We are committed to never leaving a mother behind and providing all the medical care necessary for any of our animals. We are a 100% foster and volunteer-based program. We have no paid employees and rely 100% on donations from the public. All funds go towards running our rescue and caring for our animals. We are always in desperate need of donations, fosters and volunteers.
Adoption Policy