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Trap Dat Cat

New Orleans, LA

Our Mission

Trap Dat Cat is an all volunteer group that works together to help the community cats of New Orleans, Louisiana. While we have all worked as volunteers in different aspects of rescue and with different organizations for many years, we founded Trap Dat Cat, Inc. in April of 2020, when Covid-19 severely limited resources for community cats. As a group, we were able to streamline fundraising and partner with local shelters and veterinarians to provide low cost spay and neuter services and to secure medical care for cats in need. To limit overhead costs, we have no paid employees, no offices, work out of our homes, and all donate our time, money, and resources to continue the work we love. Through fundraising and the generosity of donors, we have been able to help numerous cats, trapping an average of about 50 cats a week.

Kittens we find in the field during TNR that are unable to be returned are placed into foster homes until they are socialized, vetted, and placed for adoption. We subscribe to the #FullCircleTNR method of kitten rescue, assuring our team locates and sterilizes the mother cat and the colony where kittens are found. This ends the cycle of reproduction that leads to more kittens being born on the streets, creating a more lasting impact and long term solution than simply rescuing kitten after kitten.

We are are a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Adoption Policy

Please fill out an application at After your application has been reviewed and approved we will schedule a telephone interview and meet and greet.

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