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Our Mission

To assure pets always have a place to call home, give owners peace of mind, pets security, and be part of the solution to the problem of pet overpopulation.

We are a family-based, foster-based rescue. We encourage people to "make a plan for their pets" by including pets in life and death plans via directives, wills, and/or trusts. -AKA, put it in writing!

If you do not have anyone to designate as your pet's custodian in the event of your demise... now you do... The Paw and Feather Plan Inc.

And please know, by bequeathing a pet to us, you're helping not only YOUR pet, but also the many others we rescue and place in loving homes on a regular basis (it's very rare we actually get a pet with a plan in place- most pets we take in come from our municipal shelter, or are owner surrenders. People reach out after the death of an owner that didn't have his or her pet in the will, or didn't even have a will, and we take in regular owner surrenders very regularly too).

Foster-based means your pet won't end up in a cage in a shelter!

Thank You,

Jessica Pita
Owner and Primary Pet Caregiver

Adoption Policy

Text or email anytime! On behalf of the pets we assist, we're eager and happy to hear from you!

We request the text or email to schedule a phone chat with you, since at any given moment, we are likely busy with something else... as with most humans, we stay busy!!

A meet and greet will be scheduled at your home whenever possible.

There is a simple one page adoption contract you'll sign at the time of the pet's adoption, and you'll receive an adoption folder for your new pet from us.

Please do not come to our home without having an appointment. This rescue is foster-based. That means: it's operated out of our home. -We are home-based- and typically have no more than 2 foster pets on these premises at any given time. Property is under constant surveillance.

Thank You!
Jessica Pita
Owner and Primary Pet Caregiver

The Paw and Feather Plan Logo

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