Indiana GSD & Siberian Husky Rescue, Inc
Our Mission
We are a Non Profit Rescue that tries to help as Many dogs as we can from High Kill shelters. We Rescue them then get them healthy and find them loving wonderful homes. We DO NOT adopt dogs out to people who want to have a dog then leave it outside by him/herself. All our dogs must be indoor dogs only. It is not safe for a dog to be left outside alone all the time and its not fair to the dog either. We want every pet to be a part of the family and live as you do inside your home. We also do require a fence if you live in the city limits. If you live in the country on acres then I understand its hard to fence in a lot of land. We are the Voice for the Animals and do everything we can to make sure every dog is the right fit for the right home. Even if you get approved to adopt from us doesn't mean the dog you are wanting will be a good fit for your life style and that is what we do we try and match up adopters to the right pet. We don't just Rescue GS & Huskies we don't discriminate we rescue other breeds as well. We only show dogs by appointment to approved adopters so that your time and Mine is not wasted. We also want adopters that will never give up on there animals no matter the issues or will seek out help if any issues arise and wont dump them back here at the rescue because they dont want to get any help. We no longer take owner surrenders due to all the time we spend to make room and then owners just give them away and waste our time while we are making room. We will only rescue from shelters
Adoption Policy
When adopting a Dog From us we require you to Take the dog for basic training and socialization within 6 months of adoption if you are adopting a GS or Husky and that is if He/She has not already been through training. We require this because to many adopters say they know how to train there dog and then we get emailed or called back because he/she has done something wrong. Its is a requirement now on all adoptions and we have partnered with the Indiana Dog Whisperer Vern Taylor who will come to your home and give you a discount to help you learn what you need to do and not do. When adopting a rescued Pet it is very important for the dog to maintain a healthy socialized lifestyle so that this can be a forever home and not have to be returned to the rescue. Our space is limited here and we cant always have a space open for dogs that might have upset the adopter and they choose to give up on the dog. So this is now a mandatory requirement of ours. Thank you all for understanding and willing to do what is best for your pet.