Southern Indiana Animal Rescue
Our Mission
Southern Indiana Animal Rescue (SIAR) is an all-volunteer group of caring individuals dedicated to saving companion animals whose lives are in jeopardy.
We do NOT have a shelter! All of our pets live in volunteers homes until their forever home is found. Animals are rescued from a variety of circumstances including stray, abandonment, owner surrender, and kill shelters.
Volunteers lovingly bring these animals into their home for temporary foster care where they receive full vetting including being spayed/neutered, microchipped, dewormed, and provided monthly flea, tick, and heartworm preventatives. We also focus on rehabilitation and socialization until they are adopted into their forever home. Part of our mission is to educate the public about pet overpopulation, and responsible and humane pet care.
Southern Indiana Animal Rescue strives to go above and beyond when caring for, socializing, and training our rescued pets. We ar
Adoption Policy
An approved application is required before a meeting with an animal can be scheduled. Go to for the application. Fill it out and email it back. Someone will contact you to setup a meeting.