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Our Mission

Wonder Dog’s current lifesaving mission is a synthesis of 34 years of rescue work. Our founder began in dog rescue in 1990 and started a Boston Terrier rescue in San Francisco. As the organization grew, so also did our ability to help other dogs in need. Today, we rescue all types of small dogs, from 6 weeks to 16 years! We have moved our adoption center from California to Hudson, York, to a beautiful kennel with loads of running room!! We remain committed to rescuing CA dogs, as the situation there is critical. Once here, they are given the love and support they need to transition into their forever homes. It's been a wonderful experience!

Adoption Policy

The application to adopt on our web page helps us to make the best match for both the dog and the adopter. We take this seriously! We will always give you advise on behavior or training, to help your new family member settle into your home.

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