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Our Mission

Visit our website at

We are on Facebook!  "Like" us at

We are on twitter @kittcrusaders

PLEASE do not contact us to take in a new animal — this site is for interested adopters only. Thank you!

We are a volunteer run, L.A. based rescue whose main objective is to  network and rescue cats and kittens from local L.A. City and County shelters as well as the streets to save them from being killed. We raise money, vet and find them the GREATEST homes a once-homeless kitt could dream of :)  One day we will have the biggest/fanciest/volunteer run no kill shelter in the woooorld! We are equal opportunity and over the moon for everyone from the mangiest Pittie to the shyest rattlington. These are living things, people, and not disposable...spread the word :)

Adoption Policy

Interested in adopting??? YAAAAAY! The more pets we can get into amazing homes means the more pets we can pull from the shelters! Email or call 323.216.1921.

You are free to meet some of the little ones in person! Just email or call 323.216.1921 and we can set up a time for you to meet your new best friend :)

Or visit us at our weekend adoption events!  Sundays from 12-4 at 100 N. Larchmont Blvd (in front of Bank of America), Los Angeles, CA 90004.

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