Dog Love Foundation, Inc
Our Mission
A Loving voice in the community for the protection of animals with a passion to improve the quality of ALL lives.
Adoption Policy
This animal has been given to you in the firm and confident belief that it will receive a good home with responsible and loving care.
Ownership of an animal yields much pleasure and satisfaction. It also has its obligations and responsibilities. The fact that the animal has been in our care usually indicates that someone has, in the past, failed to recognize these responsibilities.
I do hereby confirm to the following terms & conditions and undertake that:
I am over eighteen (18) years of age.
I will give the animal a fair chance to adjust to its new home.
I understand that donations are not refundable or transferable.
I will feed and house the animal to the Dog Love Foundation, Inc. satisfaction.
I will not chain or cage the animal, and understand that if it is found chained or caged, it will be removed from my care immediately.
I can afford the services of a private veterinary practitioner.
I will ensure that vaccinations are kept up to date and in the case of injury or illness professional veterinary treatment will be provided.
I will ensure that the animal is sterilized as stipulated by the Dog Love Foundation, Inc.
I will identify my dog with a collar and identification tag, microchipping is recommended.
At no time shall I knowingly allow my dog to roam the streets.
I will notify the Dog Love Foundation, Inc. within forty-eight (48) hours should the animal die or go missing.
I know and understand the "By-Laws Pertaining to Dogs" of the Municipality in which I reside.
I will not use or allow the animal to be used as a watchdog on any industrial or commercial premises.