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Happy Tail Jeffrey & Molly together

Molly Happy Tails Dog Adoption Story May 2009

Jeffrey & MollyAdopted May 2009Yorkshire Terrier

During a bitter Pennsylvania winter, neighbors of a dilapidated house in the suburbs complained of barking dogs. Police investigated and found 46 Yorkies in the basement--without heat or water. The Bucks County SPCA alerted their volunteers who picked up the little dogs. Many were in such filthy condition that they could not be bathed, just shaved.

We had lost a Yorkie the month before and were still grieving her death. A friend told us about the abandoned Yorkies, it was on TV. I went over, filled out various forms and waited for approval which we got a week later.

Then the decision. There were small ones, large ones, yellow ones, grey ones. All were in need of a second chance. As I stood there, one little girl, came out of her cage and walked around me and sat at my feet. That was it. She came home and was saved. She was a lucky little dog and so were we. She gave us the 10 happy years she had left on this earth. The vet estimated she was about 6 when we adopted her.

She died recently and we miss her every day.

Happy Tail Jeffrey & Molly together

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