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Happy Tail Joey & Churro Xando Cruze together
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Churro Xando Cruze Happy Tails Dog Adoption Story September 2020

Joey & Churro Xando CruzeAdopted September 2020Chihuahua

Hello my name is Joey and I live in Nashville, TN. I have a 1 yo Chihuahua named Dante’. I’ve had him since he was a puppy and realized he needed a brother. I started searching aggressively about 6 mo. ago at local & online shelters. I email, called & filled out so many applications and got nothing. Finally, a lady named Sunny Aris at Animal Village in Alamogordo, NM replied. She called me approving my application for Lil Bunuelos. I never got to see him in person but she sent me tons of pictures and I fell in love! I paid for him via PayPal and set up a date pick up. Sunny text me one day saying that I should take Lil Xandos. She said they are twins and really great together. I said ok. Now I’m getting 2 black male Chihuahuas. 2 weeks later , 18 hour drive , 1300 miles, I show up at shelter and see the 2 black males and noticed the 3rd brother. Apparently the applicants fell through for Churro Chips. He was crying for the other 2. I said can I see him and he came running up to me cuddling while looking me in the eyes and I melted. I said give me a deal and I’ll take him. She was surprised and excited at the same time! I took Cruz, Xando & Churro back home. Now I have 4 baby boys!!

Happy Tail Joey & Churro Xando Cruze together

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