Can Dogs Eat Grapes and Raisins?

Can dogs eat grapes and are grapes bad for dogs are two of the most asked questions on the web. Many pet parents don’t realize that grapes and raisins are highly toxic and bad for dogs, leading to serious reactions such as diarrhea, stomach pain, and kidney failure.
Are grapes bad for dogs: toxicity symptoms
Research has not identified grape toxicity elements, or how much of the fruit can be bad for dogs, which means there’s no way to tell how severe or mild a dog can react to consumption. The best way to keep your dog healthy is to feed your best friend treats made for him.
If your dog has eaten grapes, you may see some of the grape toxicity symptoms listed below:
- Vomiting, usually within a few hours of ingestion, with partially digested grape, raisin residue present.
- Diarrhea
- Weakness, fatigue
- Refusing food, not eating
- Increased thirst and urination
- Stomach pain
- Shivering
- Halitosis with a definitive chemical odor
- Acute renal and/or gastrointestinal failure within 24 – 72 hours leading to slowed-down urination or none at all (in severe toxicity).
- Seizures (in severe toxicity)
- Coma (in severe toxicity)
How to treat a dog that’s eaten grapes
It is imperative to contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog has consumed grapes. Prognosis depends on a variety of factors, such as the total amount consumed and time until treatment.
Dogs who have received veterinarian care within a few hours may make a full recovery. A primary concern for veterinarians is kidney damage.
Most veterinary professionals will first want to remove any grape remnants from the dog’s system if possible, and then limit the spread of poison by blocking absorption, so that the kidneys are not affected. This procedure may begin with induced vomiting, the use of internal absorptive agents like activated charcoal, and fluid therapy.
While every case is different, often a preventative care program similar to this one will follow:
- Hospitalization that could last up to 7 days.
- Blood tests every few days to measure kidney health.
- Aggressive IV fluids to flush toxins.
- Nausea and vomiting medication to assist in recovery
What to do if a dog’s eaten grapes
Despite your best efforts at prevention, it’s possible that your dog may accidentally ingest things not meant for him. Should you find yourself in this type of emergency situation, it’s best to be prepared.
Veterinarian and ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) poison specialist, Dr. Jill A. Richardson offers five do’s and don’t’s to ensure dog-loving homes can act swiftly should a four-legged family member display grape toxicity symptoms.
- DO save contact information for your veterinarian, the nearest emergency vet service or the APCC, which charges a $65 consultation fee.
- DO provide necessary information to your veterinarian or other pet emergency service to ensure your pet receives the right treatment timeously, which may include:
- Your name, address and phone number.
- The name of the poisonous substance or food and the amount ingested.
- A timeline of when the poisoning may have happened.
- Your dog’s age, breed, sex and weight.
- A detailed list of the symptoms your dog is experiencing.
- DO create an emergency home kit for your pet including some of these items suggested by Dr. Richardson:
- Can of wet food
- Turkey baster, or large medicine syringe
- Saline eye solution and artificial tear gel for eye lubrication
- Rubber gloves
- Forceps
- Muzzle
- Pet carrier
- DON’T panic in the event of a poisoning. Your dog’s best chance to recover depends on how quickly you’re able to help and panicking will only result in delaying what needs to be done.
- DO contact a veterinarian immediately if your dog is in any type of distress including having seizures, losing consciousness, breathing difficulties and do not attempt to provide any therapy unless directed by a veterinarian or other pet health professional.
What foods are toxic to dogs?
Grapes, as well raisins and currants, fall into the food and drink list of dangerous foods for dogs. Many foods often include grape extracts. For example, fruitcake contains raisins and is just as harmful to dogs.
Knowing which foods contain these lethal fruits is challenging; checking food labels is an important first step. Offering your dog treats made just for him is always the best way to prevent poisoning your pup.
Lookout for the following list of poisonous foods for dogs below that may contain grape, currant or raisin extracts.
Toxic Foods for Dogs*
- Fruitcake
- Grapes, raisins, currants, sultanas
- Canned fruit juice or powders
- Baked goods
- Waffles
- Grape leaves used in Dolma
- Fruit snacks and bars
- Some breads
- Cereals
- Pancakes
Toxic Drinks for Dogs*
- Fruit juice
- Wine
- Some energy drinks, concentrates, sodas
- Some coconut waters
- Some vegetable drinks
- Some herbal drinks
Other Toxic Foods for Dogs*
- Some health supplements
- Jams, jelly, spreads, preserves
- Dietary supplements
- Some vinegars
- Some salad dressings
- Some mayonnaises
- Some oil infused garlic, rosemary, herb and spice products
*List is not comprehensive. Speak to your veterinarian about foods that may be toxic for pets.