What to do If Your Dog has a Seizure

Besides the convulsions described earlier, other symptoms that are typical of seizures include dilated pupils and muscle twitches. As far as we know, seizures don't cause pain to a dog.
Don't move a dog who is having a seizure unless he's in a dangerous location where he might hurt himself. If you do need to move him, gently drag him by his hind legs. Remember, he might urinate or defecate uncontrollably while in the seizure. If he has the seizure indoors, you might want to grab some newspapers or paper towels to put under him in case this happens. It's all right to touch or comfort your dog, but avoid putting your hands near his mouth -- his jaws may convulse during a seizure and he might inadvertently bite your hand.
All dogs who suffer from seizures should see a vet. Emergency care shouldn't be necessary unless a dog has a single seizure that lasts more than five minutes -- or if he has more than two seizures in a row. When you find your dog having a seizure, take note of the time and be prepared to call a local veterinary hospital.
If your dog has not yet been diagnosed with epilepsy, your vet will first check for signs of different possible causes of the seizure, such as head injury or ingestion of a toxin. The vet should also check for low blood sugar, rabies and distemper, which have all been known to cause seizures.
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