Why do Dogs get Eye Infections?

Some dogs are prone to eye infections and certain breeds are more susceptible if the hair around the folds of skin near the eyes acts as an irritant. Other dogs get infections because of blocked tear ducts, contagions, or bacteria-harboring particles in the eye leading to poor eye health.
What are the dog eye infection symptoms?
Just like humans, dogs can get eye infections. When your dog has an eye infection, he may also exhibit certain behavioral changes, including a lack of interest in food, crying or whining. He may also paw at his eyes. Visible dog eye infection symptoms include:
- Thick green or yellow secretion around the eye
- Watery discharge
- Eye redness
- Ocular tenderness
- Excessive tearing
- Visible squinting
- Light sensitivity
Eye infection treatment
If you suspect your dog has an eye infection, take him to a veterinarian, who will determine an appropriate eye infection treatment. Certain eye infections such as conjunctivitis, allergies, and cherry eye require specific types of antibiotics, creams, or drops. If your veterinarian diagnoses him with one of the more common eye infections, you may need to administer eye drops. Before applying any medicine, first, remove residue that may have collected around your dog’s eyes caused by the infection. Use cotton balls moistened in a sterile eye solution, such as artificial tears to gently wipe away discharge.
7 Step eye-drop treatment plan
Follow these easy steps to safely administer eyedrops to a dog: 1. Lay him on his side. 2. Keep him calm and comfortable by petting him and praising him. 3. Gently restrain the dog’s snout with one hand and hold the eyedropper with the other. 4. Rest the side of the hand with the eyedropper on the dog’s forehead 5. Drop the medicine in the corner, under his lower eyelid. 6. Release him and give him lots of praise or a small treat. 7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 on the other eye if it is also infected.
Which breeds get eye infections?
Although a dog of any breed can get an eye infection, short-nosed breeds and loose-skinned dogs are especially prone because hair around the folds of skin near the eyes can act as an irritant. In many cases, infection is also caused by blocked tear ducts. Some of the breeds commonly contracting eye infections include:
- Maltese
- Pekingese
- Pug
- American Cocker Spaniel
- English Cocker Spaniel
- Poodle
- Boxer
- English Bulldog
- Beagle
- Bloodhound
- Saint Bernard
How to prevent dog eye infections
You can help prevent eye infections by following a good eye care routine and incorporating it into your regular dog grooming. Use clean cotton balls moistened with lukewarm water to gently wipe away dirt and muck that naturally gathers around the eye and can contain harmful bacteria. Use a new cotton ball for each eye to avoid spreading infection.
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