Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

How often can dogs eat watermelon does not depend on the season. Watermelon is more than a summer fruit, it’s available all year. As long as the seeds and rind are removed, and this healthy snack is offered in moderation, when can dogs have seedless watermelon is up to you.
Seedless watermelon for dogs: Benefits
Questioning whether seedless watermelon is good for dogs? Then the answer is, it’s great for pups in small, infrequent amounts.
Just like most safe human foods to share with a dog, watermelon should be given sparingly as it contains seeds that can cause a blockage and a rind that may result in gastrointestinal upset such as diarrhea. Just one cup of diced, seedless watermelon can benefit your dog, and:
- Maintain immune system health
- Repair damaged tissue
- Prevent free radicals that steal electrons from other cells, potentially reducing cancer.
- Boost serotonin in the brain, blood platelets, and bowels.
- Convert food into energy
- Support eye health
- Help muscles function
- Regulate blood pressure
- Prevent heart disease
Watermelon good for dogs: Nutrition Facts
Beyond being just a tasty snack, if sharing this juicy fruit is on your list of treats for your dog this year then you’ll be excited to learn more about the nutritional value of an occasional cup of seedless watermelon for dogs. One cup of seedless watermelon ensures your dog gets vitamins, minerals, amino acids, lycopene and antioxidants with up to:
- 40 mcg Vitamin A
- 5 mg Vitamin B6
- 5 mcg Vitamin C
- 35 mg Iron
- 155 mg Potassium
- 10 mg Calcium
- 5% Fiber
- 1 g Protein
- 5 g Carbohydrate (converts into energy)
- 5 g Sugar (natural, and insulated by fiber that releases slowly into the bloodstream)
Seedless watermelon comprises about 92% water, lots of healthy vitamins and is an excellent source of fiber. Keep in mind that seedless watermelon for dogs contains natural sugar, which is insulated by the fiber content allowing it to release slowly into the bloodstream, which means no sugar spikes.
Which seedless watermelon recipes to give a dog
- 1 Seedless watermelon
- 1 Dehydrator
- Remove rind
- Cut into quarter inch thick strips
- Spread out evenly in a dehydrator
- Dehydrate for 8-10 hours at 135 F
- Remove from the dehydrator, and cool.
- Serve one slice, occasionally
- 1 Seedless watermelon
- 1 dog bone ice cube tray
- Scoop flesh out of fruit into a blender
- Blend until smooth
- Pour into bone molds
- Freeze for a few hours
- Serve one frozen dog bone
- 1 Seedless watermelon
- Cut into two inch thick wedges
- Serve one wedge, occasionally
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