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Post Malone, an adopted Husky & Labrador Retriever Mix in Puyallup, WA_image-1
Post Malone Husky & Labrador Retriever Mix Puyallup, WA
- Puppy
- Male
- Medium
- Yellow / Tan / Blond / Fawn, White / Cream
Out-of-town pets are cared for by non-local organizations who can make arrangements for the pet to be transported to your area. Learn More
- Characteristics
- Affectionate, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Playful, Athletic, Brave, Loves Kisses, Smart
- House-trained
- Yes
- Health
- Vaccinations up to date.
- Good in a home with
- Other dogs, cats, children.
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Meet Post Malone
Post Malone is currently in a foster home in Houston, TX and is eligible to transport to an adopter as soon as one is lined up!
Meet Post Malone!
Post Malone is the cutest little pup around! Post's mom was an owned dog who was tied up in someone's yard and eventually got pregnant. Her and her babies slept outside until they were eventually rescued. We found out about this little family the day that Houston had horrible and unexpected storms and tornados. Thankfully we were able to get everyone to safety before the storms hit!
Post was born on 4/6/24 and is 3 months old (as of 7/6/2024) and is a male. He is vaccinated and microchipped. Post currently weighs about 15 pounds with room to grow! We estimate he will grow to be a medium - large sized pup. Momma dog weighs about 50 pounds, so this is totally a guess based off of our vet's recommendations.
Post will be adopted out on a neuter contract and neutered between 6 months to 1 year of age.
Post is such a young pup that he is friendly with everyone he meets! (dogs, cats & kids). Post's foster mom describes him as a bundle of joy and the sweetest little pup! Post Malone currently lives with other dogs, 2 cats and kids in his foster home and he gets along great with everyone. He enjoys belly rubs from the kids and playing with his doggie foster siblings in the yard.
Post is full of personality and a total puppy. He loves to romp around and play with his doggie foster siblings, but also loves to climb in your lap for snuggles. We think he would love another dog in the home to show him the ropes, but this is not necessary,
Post would love a fully fenced yard or an active family as he (and most puppies) have puppy energy he'll need to burn off. All of our puppies under the age of 1 year old are strongly encouraged to attend some form of puppy obedience classes / training with their new adoptive family.
Post is not quite potty trained at this point and we'll be looking for a patient family who will continue to work with him on potty training. He is catching on SO quickly and we know he'll be there in no time! His foster family is doing their best to help him become fully potty trained and we're sure he'll make progress towards being fully potty trained by the time he transports to his new family! Post is still working on crate training. He currently does well in a baby gated off room, and we're slowly introducing him to the crate.
Interested in learning more about Post Malone or applying to adopt him? Please fill out an adoption application on our website!
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Post Malone
- Husky
- Puppy
- Male