Josh is a sweet and playful pup. Hes full of fun and still has lots of puppy excitement left in him. He gets very excited to hang out with you, and sometimes that leads to him jumping up on you. Hes still young and forming his manners! Hes got a higher energy level. Hes loving learning to play with toys! He enjoys trotting after them when you throw them, then hell walk around with it proudly in his mouth. After exercising some hell happily show off that he knows how to sit on command for a treat. He always takes treats nicely from your hand too. Josh is a Lab mix who came into the shelter as a stray on 3/6/24 alongside his sister Jade A045090. He's also lived well with another dog in a previous short term foster home and has attended playgroups with other dogs in shelter. Josh es un cachorro dulce y juguetn. Est lleno de diversin y todava le queda mucha emocin de cachorro. Se emociona mucho de pasar el rato contigo, y a veces eso lo lleva a saltar sobre ti. Todava es joven y est formando sus modales! Tiene un nivel de energa ms alto. Le encanta aprender a jugar con juguetes! Le gusta trotar detrs de ellos cuando se los lanzas, luego caminar con l con orgullo en la boca. Despus de hacer un poco de ejercicio, felizmente demostrar que sabe cmo sentarse cuando se le ordena para darse un golosina. l siempre toma golosinas amablemente de tu mano tambin. Josh es una mezcla de labrador que lleg al refugio como un perro callejero el 3/6/24 junto a su hermana Jade A045090. Tambin ha vivido bien con otro perro en un hogar de acogida a corto plazo anterior.