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Arlo, an adoptable Mixed Breed in Montreal, QC_image-1

Arlo Mixed Breed Montreal, QC

  • Young
  • Male
  • Extra Large


Spayed / neutered.

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Meet Arlo

Arlo - 2000234263

ge / Age : 3 ans / 3 years-old
Mle / Male
Race (s) / Breed (s) : Mix
Poids / Weight : 69 kg

Ce gant de trois ans cherche une famille prfrablement active et sans enfants, qui sera prte s'engager pour aider un chien timide et craintif s'panouir. Il faut bien comprendre son langage corporel et respecter ses limites. L'activit physique et mentale et l'entranement bas sur le renforcement positif feront d'Arlo un compagnon loyal et dvou.

Pour rencontrer nos animaux et poser des questions nos conseillerres, veuillez vous rendre au refuge pendant les heures d'ouverture. Vous pouvez consulter nos heures d'ouverture ici :

This three-year-old giant is looking for a family, preferably active and without children, who will be willing to make a commitment to help a shy, fearful dog blossom. You need to understand his body language and respect his limits. Physical and mental activity and training based on positive reinforcement will make Arlo a loyal and devoted companion.

To meet our animals and question our counselors, please come to the shelter during opening hours. You can consult our business hours here:

SPCA Montréal

Montreal, QC
  • Location Address

    5215 Jean-Talon Ouest/West
    Montreal, QC H4P 1X4

  • day hours
    Monday 12pm - 8pm
    Tuesday 12pm - 8pm
    Wednesday 12pm - 8pm
    Thursday 12pm - 8pm
    Friday 12pm - 8pm
    Saturday 10am - 8pm
    Sunday 10am - 8pm
More about SPCA Montréal

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  • Mixed Breed
  • Young
  • Male