American Curl

American Curl cats are named as such for their unique curled ears. They are athletic, proportionate, and graceful cats. They thrive on owner interaction and get along well with dogs, cats, and humans, including children. While not overly clingy, they love being near their families and are content to observe. They love to play games and might even be able to pick up the basics of fetch. 

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Need to Know

  • Great for first-time cat owners
  • Enjoys playing games
  • Active and inquisitive cat
  • Sociable and dependent cat
  • Slightly talkative cat
  • Average build cat breed
  • Requires grooming
  • Needs outdoor space
  • Great family cat
  • Can be regularly left alone for a few hours
  • Great for a relaxed home
Close up of an American Curl cat breed crouching licking it's lips against a white background


People-first cats, the American Curl is attentive and affectionate without being harassing. They love perching to watch their families and love playtime of any sort. They have typical cat curiosity but aren’t as mischievous as other breeds.

A relatively new breed, the first American Curl cat was developed in the 1980s. Named Shulamith, she gave birth to curled-ear kittens which provide the basis for the breed.

Patient, gentle, and kind owners will enjoy owning an American Curl cat. They need exercise and mental stimulation and have medium grooming needs. They are adaptable cats and can do well in a variety of living situations.

While not hyperactive, the American Curl cat does enjoy playtime and exercise. They like cat trees for jumping and perching and enjoy games. Anything done with or around their owners is a good day spent. Socialization is important for the American Curl cat—they will get along well with other cats and pets if they are socialized early and often.

The American Curl cat needs space to call their own and space to explore. They appreciate an enclosed outdoor space such as a catio or cat run if available to them as well.

The American Curl cat can be brushed frequently to prevent mats and tangles, especially during shedding seasons.

Smart and curious, the American Curl cat can be trained to learn basic commands so long as positive reinforcement tactics are used. They like treats and praise so use them as motivation.

American Curl cats make good family pets. They are playful, adaptable, and affectionate without being needy. They are good for first-time cat owners or households with children and other pets.

The cost of an American Curl from a breeder is significantly more than the cost of adopting one from a local shelter or rescue. The adoption fee usually covers additional items such as spaying or neutering, vaccines, and microchipping.

puppies and kittens

Learn more about feeding and caring for your American Curl on Purina.

Did You Know?

  • An American Curl cat litter can have 50% curled ears and 50% straight ears.
  • All American Curl kittens are born with straight ears. If they are meant to curl, they will curl back 3 to 5 days after birth.