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- Characteristics
- Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Dignified, Quiet, Athletic, Funny, Independent, Curious, Brave, Couch potato, Loves Kisses
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Meet Spicy Mikey and Wobbly Jack
And so it begins, the Adventurous Tales of Spicy Mikey and Wobbly Jack, Two Boys who were born around 5/15/23. The following is Part One of Two - A Prequel to Journey's That Will Soon Be Discovered. Sit back and enjoy the show.
Hi! I'm Jack! My full name is Wobbly Jack but we will get to that in a minute. I was swooped up from a farm with my siblings when I was a little guy. I bounced off the farm and into a foster house when I was about 9-10 weeks old. I was the runt of the litter and came into rescue very sick (Gunky Nose, pneumonia, and really nasty eye/ear infections). But I kicked my health obstacles to the curb and started to gain weight and play with my brothers and sisters like a normal kitten!
Just when the Rescue people and Veterinarians thought I was in the clear, I started displaying some signs of ataxia in my back legs. (I started walking wobbly). And can you believe it..... All of these rescue people, two different Veterinary Clinics, and Six Veterinarian's can't figure why I started walking silly! I gave them my blood, as well as other bodily fluids. They told me they were Superman, and that they had X-Ray Vision, so I let them put me on a table and I allowed the "Ding, Ding, Ding, and More Ding's" to happen. I know that Superman wouldn't let anything bad happen to me, so I did my best to stay brave.
I was confused that all of these humans were confused. I felt fine, there was nothing wrong with me except my booty liked to boogie woogie to it's own beat. Then.............. These humans thought I might have some weird Virus called FIP. And they injected me with anti-viral drugs, Every Single Day for Four Weeks!!!!!! I kept telling them than my booty likes to boogie, but they thought that they were helping me.
Now that all of those "life saving shenanigans" were over....... I was alone. My brother's and sister's were all adopted out while I spent my days/weeks at a Cat Hospital. When went back to my foster home, the humans surprised me with a New Friend!!!!!!!!! **It was at that moment that I met my best friend, Spicy Mikey.**
Hi! I'm Mikey! Well actually, my full name is Spicy Mikey. I spent my early days living in the sewer and surviving off of lunch meat that some very nice Jimmy John's workers fed my mom and I. Thanks to a good Samaritan reaching out for assistance with us- my mom and I were on to a better life- although I did not think that at the time. I despised my human foster mom for quite awhile and often thought my hissing would make her leave me alone (hence how I got my name, Spicy Mikey).
Well, turns out my hisses and pinned back ears did not work and one day I realized- okay she is not so bad! I finally was able to mingle with the other house cats and instantly became best friends with fellow foster Jack. We have become inseparable ever since. Jack has helped me overcome my fears and learn the way of humans and indoor living! I still think dogs are a little scary but I am doing much better around them. I am a little shy in the beginning around new people but give me a little time and I will not stop purring or seeking attention and chatting you up! I am completely litter box trained and use a scratching post like a champ as well! I enjoy a good snuggle session but I prefer to do that down at your feet. I may still pin my ears at humans when I am picked up but I promise it's just a trait of mine that I can not shake! Deep down I am really a sweetheart!
-------Cut to Commercial---------
-----------And Action-------------
Next Week, on The Adventures of Wobbly Jack and Spicy Mikey: Jack opens up to us about his struggles with being wobbly (insert WJ promo clip here) "Despite my wobbliness, I can do stairs pretty well. It is a little hard for me to jump up onto high things, so pet stairs really help me get on and off the bed. Don't get me wrong though- I can still scale the cat tree up to the top thanks to my claws! And I can run really fast!!!! I may be a little sideways, but I am still So Fast! Occasionally, I like to meow loudly for no apparent reason. I learned how to make a distress call from my time on the farm, and my buddy Mikey always comes running to my rescue!"
Next Week, we will also hear from Mikey on how he is managing his work/life balance (insert SM promo clip here) "Jack is my Brother from another Mother. He and I both started our lives outside, our future's were unknown, but we came from different walks of life. Jack is a sweet kid, he had a decent time on the farm with the goats and pigs. Hell, he was able to hang out with his actual siblings for a couple of months, AND he got to slept in a barn. Jack doesn't know the streets like I do, he wouldn't survive a single day in the life of sewer diving and dodging cars. Jack needs me to protect him............ and I need Jack too."
That's A Wrap
Hi! I'm Jack! My full name is Wobbly Jack but we will get to that in a minute. I was swooped up from a farm with my siblings when I was a little guy. I bounced off the farm and into a foster house when I was about 9-10 weeks old. I was the runt of the litter and came into rescue very sick (Gunky Nose, pneumonia, and really nasty eye/ear infections). But I kicked my health obstacles to the curb and started to gain weight and play with my brothers and sisters like a normal kitten!
Just when the Rescue people and Veterinarians thought I was in the clear, I started displaying some signs of ataxia in my back legs. (I started walking wobbly). And can you believe it..... All of these rescue people, two different Veterinary Clinics, and Six Veterinarian's can't figure why I started walking silly! I gave them my blood, as well as other bodily fluids. They told me they were Superman, and that they had X-Ray Vision, so I let them put me on a table and I allowed the "Ding, Ding, Ding, and More Ding's" to happen. I know that Superman wouldn't let anything bad happen to me, so I did my best to stay brave.
I was confused that all of these humans were confused. I felt fine, there was nothing wrong with me except my booty liked to boogie woogie to it's own beat. Then.............. These humans thought I might have some weird Virus called FIP. And they injected me with anti-viral drugs, Every Single Day for Four Weeks!!!!!! I kept telling them than my booty likes to boogie, but they thought that they were helping me.
Now that all of those "life saving shenanigans" were over....... I was alone. My brother's and sister's were all adopted out while I spent my days/weeks at a Cat Hospital. When went back to my foster home, the humans surprised me with a New Friend!!!!!!!!! **It was at that moment that I met my best friend, Spicy Mikey.**
Hi! I'm Mikey! Well actually, my full name is Spicy Mikey. I spent my early days living in the sewer and surviving off of lunch meat that some very nice Jimmy John's workers fed my mom and I. Thanks to a good Samaritan reaching out for assistance with us- my mom and I were on to a better life- although I did not think that at the time. I despised my human foster mom for quite awhile and often thought my hissing would make her leave me alone (hence how I got my name, Spicy Mikey).
Well, turns out my hisses and pinned back ears did not work and one day I realized- okay she is not so bad! I finally was able to mingle with the other house cats and instantly became best friends with fellow foster Jack. We have become inseparable ever since. Jack has helped me overcome my fears and learn the way of humans and indoor living! I still think dogs are a little scary but I am doing much better around them. I am a little shy in the beginning around new people but give me a little time and I will not stop purring or seeking attention and chatting you up! I am completely litter box trained and use a scratching post like a champ as well! I enjoy a good snuggle session but I prefer to do that down at your feet. I may still pin my ears at humans when I am picked up but I promise it's just a trait of mine that I can not shake! Deep down I am really a sweetheart!
-------Cut to Commercial---------
-----------And Action-------------
Next Week, on The Adventures of Wobbly Jack and Spicy Mikey: Jack opens up to us about his struggles with being wobbly (insert WJ promo clip here) "Despite my wobbliness, I can do stairs pretty well. It is a little hard for me to jump up onto high things, so pet stairs really help me get on and off the bed. Don't get me wrong though- I can still scale the cat tree up to the top thanks to my claws! And I can run really fast!!!! I may be a little sideways, but I am still So Fast! Occasionally, I like to meow loudly for no apparent reason. I learned how to make a distress call from my time on the farm, and my buddy Mikey always comes running to my rescue!"
Next Week, we will also hear from Mikey on how he is managing his work/life balance (insert SM promo clip here) "Jack is my Brother from another Mother. He and I both started our lives outside, our future's were unknown, but we came from different walks of life. Jack is a sweet kid, he had a decent time on the farm with the goats and pigs. Hell, he was able to hang out with his actual siblings for a couple of months, AND he got to slept in a barn. Jack doesn't know the streets like I do, he wouldn't survive a single day in the life of sewer diving and dodging cars. Jack needs me to protect him............ and I need Jack too."
That's A Wrap
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Spicy Mikey and Wobbly Jack
- Domestic Short Hair
- Young
- Male