Milky Domestic Short Hair Montreal, QC
- Adult
- Male
- Medium
- Health
- Spayed / neutered.
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Meet Milky
Ces deux-l sont lis et aimeraient tre adopts ensemble si possible. Ils devraient galement se dbrouiller seuls bien qu'ils prfrent tre avec d'autres chats puisqu'ils ont t entours d'autres chats toute leur vie. Ils seraient trs bien dans un environnement calme et stable avec des personnes qui sont patientes et douces avec eux, leur permettant de continuer sortir de leur coquille parce qu'ils ont si bien rpondu ce genre d'environnement.
Milky is a sweet, shy, gentle boy who loves the back of his head pet and his back. He loves to watch his toys moving around from a distance so he can make a calculated plan to get them. He's a little slower than his quick sister.
These two are a bonded pair that would love to go together if possible. They should also be fine on their own although they do prefer being with other cats since they were around other cats their entire lives. They would do really well in a calm, stable environment with people who are patient and gentle with them, allowing them to continue to come out of their shells because they have responded so well to that kind of environment.
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- Domestic Short Hair
- Adult
- Male