Animal Preservation of East Texas (APET)
Our Mission
APET's mission is to reduce populations of unwanted dogs and cats, and to reduce animal cruelty, including neglect and abandonment, through spay/neuter initiatives and education. We recognize the importance of education and public outreach to foster a sentiment of compassionate, responsible pet ownership. APET also seeks to expand it SPCA-type shelter to provide refuge and adoption options for a multitude of homeless dogs and cats. Our mission will be ongoing as we strive to broaden our area of impact.
Adoption Policy
We have potential adopters apply for the animal they are wishing to adopt. At this point, we schedule a home visit (in most cases, unless we already know the adopter). We go out to the adopter's home and check their fence, their home, and any other animals they own. All of their own animals must be spayed and neutered and up to date on vaccines or they are not allowed to adopt any of ours. If everything passes inspection, they adoption is allowed to proceed and they return to the shelter to pick up the animal.