A-Parrot to A-Flamingo Rescue
Our Mission
Eff 3/1/24 our new email address is:
Website is: https://sites.google.com/site/aparrottoaflamingo/
We interview on email. Our phone number is available upon request to verified clients.
Note: We answer emails promptly. If you get no answer, pls. check your spam folder. Also set our email address into your "approved sender" file. Be sure your inbox is not full also.
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A-Parrot to A-Flamingo, Inc., Parrot Rescue is a not-for-profit NO-KILL parrot rehoming agency. As a rescue, we primarily take in older birds which may be loud, handleable, or not. Large to small parrots and small non-parrot pet birds are accepted as space allows.
Our aim is to make sure birds we take in are rehomed responsibly, to safety-conscious experienced bird owners. We have an email interview, a Questionnaire and then the Application is emailed to you last.
We are NOT a 501C3 and do not get any IRS benefits for our parrot rescue efforts. We are run by volunteers.
Adoption Policy
Interested in Adopting a Parrot?
We are looking for experienced adult parrot owners as Adopters. Since these are mostly older birds, we feel they require homes where one is able to work with some of the possible "quirks" that may come with them. Or with luck there may be no quirks!
Our Board of Directors makes all final adoption approvals.
Since this is a genuine rescue organization, you are not purchasing a bird from us. You will be APPLYING TO ADOPT. All adopters will be screened. Our interviewer will explain further…
Adopters need to go thru our email interview/chat which explains our application process. A-Parrot needs to get to know our potential adopters a little.
Our policies are subject to change at any time. Our first concern is the welfare of any bird left in our care. The wants and needs of our potential Adopters may or may not be considered.