Green Hills Animal Shelter
Adoption Policy
We are seeking a permanent, loving, responsible home for all companion animals. So that we may be assured that the animal you wish to adopt is best suited to you, your home, and your lifestyle and is placed in an environment that is compatible with his/her needs, we ask that you complete an application. Please note we have two separate applications, one for cats and one for dogs.
In order for you to adopt an animal, we need you to . . .
- Be sure that you are financially able to provide for the animal’s needs. This includes food, supplies, license and veterinary care.
- Be sure that you have adequate time to spend with your new pet, including training, exercising and grooming.
- Have your landlord's permission to bring an animal into his/her property.
- Have the consent of all adults in your household.
- Be at least 18 years of age and have verifiable identification.
- Complete an application in full and discuss it with a GHAS employee.
- Understand that this is an adoption, not a sale. GHAS reserves the right to postpone or refuse an adoption.
- Be sure that you are prepared for potentially many years with your new pet.
- Be sure that you are aware of the responsibilities as a pet owner to provide a safe, healthy, and loving home!