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Second Chance Animal Rescue Foundation

POB 15602
Colorado Springs, CO 80910

Our Mission

Second Chance Animal Rescue is a small volunteer 501 (c) 3 non profit, based in Lamar, Colorado. We rescue primarily dogs but also rescue cats, horses and wild animals including, opossum, raptors, and a variety of songbirds. We have no facility, our dogs and cats live in foster homes with our volunteers.
Second Chance rescues about 500 dogs and cats annually. Many of these dogs are abandoned, some are neglected or abused. All of them just need a little TIME and that is what we give them. Our dogs and cats spend sometimes just a week or so to gain home skills like housetraining or leash training, some dogs come from much more difficult and often heart-wrenching circumstances and stay with us months until they are ready to look for their forever home.
Volunteers dedicate hearts and hands for what is sometimes several months work toward teaching skills and creating opportunities for animals who would otherwise have none. Foster 'parents' provide training, home skills, socialization , confidence building and most importantly love and acceptance.
Every dog deserves the patience, training and time it needs to be a great companion and that is what we do, EVERY DAY.

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