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Joshua Tree No-Kill Shelter

4646 Sun View Avenue
Joshua Tree, CA 92252

Our Mission

The JTNKS is committed to the purpose of caring for and arranging for the adoption of animals in need, providing humane education, advancing the reduction of the homeless animal population through spay and neuter, and encouraging the humane treatment and extended life of animals through involvement in our community.

The Morongo Basin Humane Society, (DBA Joshua Tree No-Kill Shelter), is a no-kill animal shelter in Joshua Tree, California. We are a 501(c)(3) organization and receive no government funding. Our existence depends on the generosity of the public.

Adoption Policy

For dog adoption: We prefer a fenced in yard, adequately sized for the size of the dog. A fence check (photos, videos) will be performed before an application is approved. If you do not have a fenced in yard, please submit a detailed exercise plan.

If you have other pets, it is a requirement to schedule an interaction to make sure that they get along.

For cat adoption: No interactions are required between cats before adoption.
We base our decision on approving the adoption after reviewing the questionnaire on the adoption application.

  • day hours
    Monday CLOSED
    Tuesday CLOSED
    Wednesday 12PM - 4 PM
    Thursday 12 PM - 4 PM
    Friday 12 PM - 4 PM
    Saturday 12 PM - 4 PM
    Sunday CLOSED

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